Skoda the low investment and Royal feeling in 2017 Skoda introduced the sport third generation of river Rs in India dubbed the Octavia Rs 230 wearing a mouth-watering price tag of Rs 24.62 lakh. Due to its explosive performance and value proposition this Limited as an sporty Sedan sold like hot cakes.220 2021 skoda Re introduce a more powerful version in India known as the of octavia Rs 245 And this fully imported version price has been set as rs 35.99 lakh (it's ex showroom price in India) which is over rS 11 lakh higher than its old version. Based on the MQB modular architecture, the Octavia RS 245 carries forward its transverse engine and front-wheel-drive layout. Its dimensions and styling are pretty much identical to the outgoing version, but one of the key new additions are its stylish 18-inch wheels, compared to the 17-inchers on the RS 23...
This blogger is related to the automobile Gadget &TECH sector as well as cars ,bikes MOBLIE COMPUTER TV related information and its markets prices and its all kinds of revives and its accessories related new information and many mores about automobile GADGET &TECH related blog name is the" the infotek".