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what is the name of first American car

The "Duryea Motor Wagon" was created by Charles Duryea and Frank Duryea, Indian enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. The vehicle debuted in 1893 and was the first automobile to be serially produced in America.

 It had a 4-horsepower gasoline engine located in the rear giving it the ability to drive with cleanliness and comfort.  It had three wheels and was controlled via a steering wheel.

 In 1893, this vehicle won first prize at an engineering festival held in New York City in the United States and was regarded as America's first automobile.

 The "Duryea Motor Wagon" made a significant contribution to the genesis of the automobile and took an important step towards the development of road vehicles.

The Duryea Motor Wagon" was priced at approximately $1,200 in 1893, an expensive and prestigious price for the time.

 The "Duryea Motor Wagon" had a 4-horsepower gasoline engine.  This engine was located at the rear and was used to power the vehicle.  This engine helped in maintaining the possibility of a new and easier journey of clean running vehicles.

 The fuel of the "Duryea Motor Wagon" was gasoline, a major oil product and commonly used for engines of the time.  Gasoline was used to provide fuel to operate the engine, allowing the vehicle to be driven both internally and externally.

 The "Duryea Motor Wagon" usually had two seats.  It had a pilot seat, which was for the person controlling the vehicle, and a passenger seat, which was for the person traveling.  The design represented the common design of automobiles of the time.

The design of the "Duryea Motor Wagon" followed the conventions of automobile design of the time. It was a three-wheeled car, with a motor and engine located at the rear. At the front of the vehicle was a steering wheel that was used to change the direction of the vehicle.  The seats were designed to be stable and comfortable, allowing the passenger to sit comfortably.

 The tires on the "Duryea Motor Wagon" were closed solid rubber tires, as were typical automobiles of the time.  To provide stability and safety to this running vehicle, harnesses were used.  These tires were suitable for high speeds for the time and helped provide stability to the vehicle on the road.

 The speed of the "Duryea Motor Wagon" was typical for automobiles of the time, with a 4-horsepower gasoline engine.  It did not have high speed, and generally had a speed of up to 16 kilometers per hour.  This vehicle could not show much speed due to technology and engine related limitations of that time.

The body of the "Duryea Motor Wagon" used a combination of steel and wood, common for the time.  These materials were used to provide structural strength and protection to its body.  The use of a steel body on a wooden frame made the vehicle not only strong but also provided stability.

The "Duryea Motor Wagon" had a steering wheel for steering control, which was used to change the direction of the vehicle.  This steering wheel was used by the driver of the vehicle so that he could turn the vehicle in the right direction.  This was a relevant technical detail, common for automobiles of the time.

The "Duryea Motor Wagon" had a steering wheel to operate the steering.  It was used to change the direction of the vehicle and make changes to the route.  This system was designed to keep operation safe and convenient, so that the driver can steer the vehicle in the right direction.

In the "Duryea Motor Wagon" the steering wheel was used to change the direction of the vehicle.  This steering wheel was located at the front of the vehicle and it allowed the driver to turn the vehicle to the right or left.  This type of steering system was commonly used in automobiles of the time and provided comfort to the driver while traveling.

The "Duryea Motor Wagon" used a steering wheel, allowing the direction of the vehicle to be changed.  This steering wheel helps control the direction of the vehicle, and allows the driver to operate the vehicle.  Steering systems for automobiles of the time were typically hand-operated, requiring the driver to turn the steering wheel by hand.

The steering in the "Duryea Motor Wagon", called a steering wheel, was in accordance with automobile design of the time.  In this, a steering wheel was used to change the direction of the vehicle.  It helped in turning the vehicle by applying impact on one wheel.  This was typical of early automobile design and reflected the local status of automobiles of the time.


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