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 The only serious bugbear about this Tv is the stand. The Samsung TU8000 sits on a pair of unhelpfully wide plastic feet and you’ll need a unit that’s at least 103cm wide to support it. 

                            A more central leg positioning option would be handy. Otherwise, this is classic Samsung. It’s a near bezel-less TV, neatly finished on the rear with a fairly uniform 6cm thickness and no awkward lumps sticking out to hinder wall-mounting.The picture is involving, exciting and way beyond anything else you’ll find at this price. To have top levels of shading and punch in the same TV is beyond the capability of most mid-range TVs – and it’s the kind of performance you’d pay a lot more for with QLED and OLED tech. There’s also a depth of black on the Samsung that rivals can’t quite match – it’s hard to fault the blackness of space in Interstellar.

             It’s rich and almost pure without a hint of light bleed from the LED backlighting. The few colours in this monochromatic section pop beautifully. Whether it’s the orange trim of the spacesuits, the red bags in the shuttles or just the skin tones, the palette is rich and balanced. Taking a step down to HD, it’s clear this TV upscales well. There’s still plenty of intensity to the colours, if not quite the same subtlety as we see at 4K. Details are occasionally a little soft, but don’t be tempted to use the image sharpener too much otherwise noise is quick to creep in.

          All the same, we’repleased by what we see here and even SD footage of daytime TV is watchable. It has to be said that last year’s Samsung LED TVs were not as gifted for sound as they were for picture performance and it’s the same balance again here. Even a budget soundbar will offer a big improvement. There isn’t much of a leading edge to the sound. The dialogue is fairly murky, too.

           There’s no problem hearing orunderstanding what’s said, but it’s like listening with a layer of material between our ears and the voices. In contrast to the excellent picture, then, the sound of this TV is underwhelming. The picture, on the other hand, outperforms everything else we’ve seen in its class, and many above it too. All of which means that the excellent, affordable TU8000 is a truly worthy.

SIZE:- 55TO 58 INC

PRICE:- 66, 990


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