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How to buy a phone for best features

Visa rapidtech innovation in smartphone in the past few years when we look back a few years single hi rays cameras phone were available and now we have quad camera setup we used to be looking at IPS retina and AMOLED screen now we have foldable smartphone now a days the smartphone is powerful enough to handle various tasks which were only possible with PC.These are just a few with added features there is always a question as to which smartphone should one buy and for what price.

                    there are several aspects to consider while choosing a smartphone here is what you should look out for.


           before choosing a smartphone look for following specs for a hassle-free experience

               mobile processor whatever you will do with your phone the processor will be handling them the smartphone processor also known as the cheap set for the SoCs is essentially the brain of system.

          the modern SoCs are also come equipped with AI capabilities.The  SoC is not only responsible for the seamless functioning or your phone it also enhance edge other factor including image processing.

               Majorly there are four mobile processor manufacture qualcomm mediaTek samsung and last one is Apple.

         Qualcomm announcement its new 5G capable CPU in may 2020 snapdragon 768  G  5G with clock speed upto 2.8 GHz. And in September 2020 e qualcomm and V revealed the Snapdragon 753 processor designed to bring 5G support for low latency Mobile gaming.

         Media Tech announced Dimensity 800U an ultra connected dual 5G chip balance immense cPU speed with an efficiency focused design the latest addition to the Apple CPU family is A14 Bionic a64 bit ARM based SoC.


The RAM is smartphone is closely associated as to how its performance would be having more Ram gives your freedom for switching between apps or frequently used app and more Ram result into better multitasking.

               if you want to play heavy graphics instant games you need to choose a phone with 6gb or high RAM. Smartphones running on Android OS need update frequently on several apps for the OS. In such device 6gb RAM is fine but 8GB is better however some smartphones are installing a whooping 12 to 16 GB a frame which is not useful unless you are going to do multitasking with over 20 apps at the same time.

Camera quality:

             in 2020 multi cameras are the norms you usually get a primary lens which sports the highest mP count a portrait lens and a wide angle Shooter. If you manufacture also adding lens like a micro lens time or flight sensor and colours filter lens.

          don't got blindingly the idea that more megapixel will give you better picture in state look for phones that pack good camera optics like speed and other relevant feature .a larger aperture Camera sensor means you can capture decent shooting shooting picture
Without using the flash. Images stabilization to reduce blur and improve low-light performance good photo or a result for adequate megapixel good lens and sensor Technology as well as high and processor chipsets.

Operating system

      The most popular OSes are Google's Android and Apple iOS. Android is the most popular and powerful OS and is available on a white price range of Smartphones it is an open source OS which means it is easy to customise with widgets launches your choice of keyboard and more you can opt for Android if you enjoy customising your phone to your heart's content.

                 if you like a simple and powerful than IOS is the right choice for you with iOS you also get contact software update and is supported for a more extended  period. IOS has some limitation for instance you can't use lunches to completely change the look for your phone.

                 how ever iOS comes with a plethora of advantage as well such a regular software updates FaceTime I messages and the biggest of all  minimal bloatware and no adware.

Display quality

         How you interact with your phone's it is displayed that allow you to perform any tax the display is one of the most important aspects to consider the smartphone industry rotates around various name to the describe the weaving experience of your smartphone is screen viz. LCD LED OLED, AMOLED, retina super retina xdr etc.

              the ideal option must depend on your user if you want to watch movie play games AMOLED aur higher will be a better choice given a high construct ratio and rich colours on the other hand if wave surfing documents weaving is more important to your than LCD and retina display or higher will be more preferable offering whisper text and making it easier to read on screen for long periods.

                another important factor is the display size ear lier the screen size why 3 to 5.5 inches but now most of the device come with display a ringing from 6 to 7 inches . Depending on your content consunctions you can get a small or large screen.

             the larger screen means holding the device in a single hand would be difficult it was tomorrow's story now phones have Talluri screen the expected ratio is also increased from 16:9 to 21:9.  So you should buy a smartphone with in an18:9 spectral ratio right now as most of the content on different platforms is tuned towards that aspect ratio too.

        The display resolution plays on important role full HD is good for video weaving and gaming. Choose Quad HD for an amazing experience with application like VR gaming multi windows app.

         Another important aspect of the display is the protection used standard shot glass is manufactured by corning which have the year flagship line of Glass known as the Gorilla glasses most smartphone come with its protection so if you are buying a smartphone makes your dad it comes with Gorilla grasses protection that would prevent the display from scratching and even protect against minor Falls.


       Go for a much internal storage as possible we have games that takes around a 1GB or more of space like  Asphalt and dead trigger that requires having 1GB or higher space if you are a power user then no less than 128 GB would  suffice you needs this is because of images and videos which you will store on the device occupy a huge space.


While smartphone are growing more advanced and are becoming a powerful as laptops but with high definition screen and professional camera Technology they are Steel Limited by power measured in MAH go for higher number for give you more talk time and enough juice to run your music and videos.

           do check if your phone support fast charging with quick aur fast charging you can charge your phone in 40 minutes from 0-200 saving your time.


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