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Indian government issue two wheelers Rider protective helmet for two wheelers Rider

In an effort to curve the manufacture and sale of low cost helmets in country the Indian government has made it monetary from two wheeler film it's to have a certification from them to be manufactured or sold in the country from June 1 2021 the official state on the ministry of road transport and Highways through yes dot 4252 (  ) dated 26 November 2020 has issued the helmet for Riders of two wheelers motor vehicles quality control order 2020. Protective helmets for two wheelers Riders have been includes under compulsory to be a certification and the publication of quality control order. Indian Supreme Court has directed A committee to be formed with members of AIIMS, engineers background and also from BTI to to enquiry about the possibility of developing lighter helmets considering the climatic condition of India my kingdom suitable for every rider. Earlier this year the committee made a detailed analysis which accepted the suggestion and recommended lighter helmet to the ministry, which year received approval as well. The lighter helmets which will be manufactured and sold in India will have to abide by the update specification mentioned by the b i s. The governments believes with numerous player in the market the competition will help the manufacture develop good quality e and light helmet that will benefit the two wheeler Riders. Eid ages said that the Indian two wheelers helmet market stand at 1.7 crore units sold annually what is still unclear thought is whether the government will stick to the 1.2 kg ruling that it has passed earlier in 2018. Even the premium range of helmet from brand such as array and other the complete with the sticker European safety standard will also need ISI certification from them to be sold in India we have learnt that vendors have already stoppered important these helmet in the country to avoid pilling up of inventory and also to avoid legal action once the new ruling comes into effect next year.


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